MY Studio is Your World
Performance, VIdeo & Installation
This installation takes place in two simultaneous spaces : in Artists Studio and in The Kitchen.
New York City inhabitants were invited to the artists studio in Chelsea; transformed into a living room to meet, discuss and exchange, Simultaneously during the encounters a live-broadcast takes place whose image is presented on a monitor in real time at The Kitchen transforming the unraveling un-edited visits into a talk-show reality.
In addition to many artists and artgoers :
wall street brokers
adolescents from neighbouring hoodsMexican muriachi subway musicians
Con Edison workers
a magician
bicycle courriers
an NYPD motorcycle officer
reuters journalist
bagel vendor
construction workers
bikers gang
professional manicurist
a Hasidic family from Brooklyn
soccer team mates
Times Square garbage crew
joggers club
hot dog stand vendors<
dog walkers with dogs
Open Studios; International Studio and Curatorial Programme; Chelsea, New York CIty, 2005
studio decorated replete hot pink carpet and comfy lounging sofas & chairs
donuts for the visitors
live feed video filming output in real time in The Kitchen
video programme of other performances on monitor
3 large digital photos