Catalogues. Publications. Press Media
Radio ∙ Television ∙ Broadcasts
2007 Effet Champansky CKIA 88.3 (FR Radio), Quebec ▻ Jeanne Landry-Belleau interviews Nadine Norman about Metametis with invited guests Renaud Pilotes & Francis Levasseur Emission: Dec.
Indigo TV, New York ▻ Interview with curators Emma Brasó, Margot Norton & Dan Leers in the exhibition The Dating Game Emission: Dec.
2003 Radio Orange, 94.0 (Radio), Vienna, Austria ▻ Interview with Martin Oberlechner and artist Nadine Norman in part of the exhibition Sex in the City mission : Sept. 7 & 11 (30 min.)
BBC (Radio Europe), Vienna, Austria ▻ Interview with artist Nadine Norman in part of the exhibition Sex and the City Emission: Sept. 7 (4 min.)
Reality Check, (Radio), Vienna Austria ▻ Host Barbara interviews artist Nadine Norman in part of the exhibition Sex In The City Emission: Sept. 6 (5 min.)
C‘est meilleure le matin, CBF (FR TV), Montreal, Canada ▻ Journalists Franco Nuovo & Valérie Letarte interview artist Nadine Norman in the exhibition I'm available. And you?, M.A.C.M. Emissions: Jan. 6, 6:52 & 7:19 (30 min. & 5 min.)
2002 Université de Montreal (Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Stephanie Aquirio interviews Nadine Norman about I'm available. And You? exhibition, M.A.C.M.
Canada Now, CBMT (TV), Montreal, Canada ▻ Kristy Snell and Anna Asimakopulos interview Nadine Norman about I'm available. And You? exhibiton, M.A.C.M. Emission: Dec., 6, 18:51 (3.45 min.)
Hersay, CKUT (Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Valerie Walker interviews Nadine Norman about I'm available. And You? exhibition, M.A.C.M.
Les Choix de Sophie, Télé-QC (FR TV), Montreal, Canada ▻ Sophie Durocher and Jean-Michel Dufaux at I'm available. And You? exhibition, M.A.C.M. Emission: Nov. 29, 19:43 (5.10 min.)
CKUT 90.3 FM (Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Lina Ghio interviews Nadine Norman about I'm available. And You? exhibition at the M.A.C.M. Emission: Nov. 27, 7:00
Radio Centre Ville (FR Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Nathalie LaHan interviews Nadine Norman about I'm available. And You?
2001 CBC< (Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Janet Kelly interviews Nadine Norman on site with soundtrack from Pierre, léche ma vitre ! in part of 'Artcité', exhibition, M.A.C.M. Emission: Aug. 14, 17:20
2000 Surpris par le nuit, FRANCE CULTURE(FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ Produced by Alain Veinstein and Sylvie Andreu. Corinne Rondeau and Marie-Christine Clauzet interview about the exhibition Call Girl at the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris with artist Nadine Norman, curator Catherine Bédard, Call Girls‘ Betty and Lou, sociologist Catherine Anthony, art historian Daniel Arasse and writer Bernard Comment Emission: March 9, 22:30-24:00
Indicatif Présent, RADIO CANADA CBC (Fr Radio) Montreal, Canada ▻ Live telephone interview with artist Nadine Norman about her exhibition Call Girl Emission: March 8, 9:30-10:00 (10 min.)
FOX (TV), U.S.A. ▻ Journalist Sisley Medieff interviews Call Girl Lou Emission: second week of Feb.
BBC-RADIO ▻ Allister Sandford interviews Call Girl Zoé Emission: mid-Feb.
Morning News, CBC(Fr Radio), Toronto, Canada ▻ Live interview with artist Nadine Norman Emission : Feb 15, 8:00
CBC RADIO 1, Ottawa, Canada ▻ Ken Rockburn interviews artist Nadine Norman and curator Catherine Bedard Emission: Feb. 15, 17:00
Le Point, CBC TV & CBC RADIO CANADA ▻ Journalist Céline Galipeau live at the C.C.C, Paris. Extracts from Call Girl in an encounter with visiter Bernard Comment and interviews with one of the Call Girls‘ Simone, artist Nadine Norman and curator Catherine Bédard Emission : Feb. 11
World at Six,CBC RADIO▻ Foreign correspondant Nicolas Spicer interview with one of the Call Girls‘ Zoé, artist Nadine Norman and curator Catherine Bédard Emission: Feb. 11, 11:39
Culture Vive,
RFI 89.FM (FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ A presentation from Call Girl; interviews with two of the Call Girls‘ Zoé and Betty, curator Catherine Bédard and artist Nadine Norman in a programme series on a theme about desire Emission: Feb. 10, 17:40-18:00, followed by 2 emissions the following weeks
Europe 1, 104.7 FM (FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ Host Daniel Schick live interview with one of the the Call Girls‘ Lou Emission : Feb. 7, 23:00
The Life of an Artist RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL (FR) ▻ Presentation extract from Call Girl and interview with curator Catherine Bédard Emission : Feb. 6, 7:30
Case Art, LA CINQUIÈME (Channel 5 FR TV), Paris, France ▻ Host Isabelle Motrot presents an extract of Call Girl after an encounter with one of the Call Girls Emission : Feb 6, 9:30-10:30
Infoculture, RADIO-CANADA (FR Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Interview with curator Catherine Bédard Emission Feb 4, 9:05
Cultural Chronicles, FRANCE INTER (FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ Stéphane Paoli and Vincent Josse in part of their series; extract from Call Girl followed by interview with one of the Call Girls‘ and curator Catherine Bédard Emission: Feb. 1, 7:20
Infoculture, RFI (FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ Journalist Muriel Maalouf; Extracts from Call Girl and interviews in a second encounter with 2 of the Call Girls, 1 visiter, and curator Catherine Bédard Emission: Feb. 5, 12:10 & Feb. 6, 1:40
POPOLARE NETWORK (FR) Paris, France ▻ Live interview with journalist and curator Catherine Bédard Zmission: Jan. 24
Nulle Part Ailleurs, CANAL+ (FR TV), Paris, France ▻ Interview with one of the Call Girls Lola at the C.C.C. Paris Emission: Jan. 24, 18:30
Indicatif PrésentRADIO CANADA (FR Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Live telephone interview with artist Nadine Norman Emission: Jan. 20, 10:45 - 11:00 (10 min.)
OUI FM(FR Radio), Paris, France ▻ Excerpt from Call Girl and interview with curator Catherine Bédard Emission: Jan. 15, 11:40
The 1st Italian Channel, (TV), Italy ▻ 3 brief emissions of 45 seconds on Call Girl followed by an encounter with one of the Call Girls‘ and an interview in Italian with Catherine Bédard Emission: Jan.
1999 Carleton University Radio, Ottawa, Canada ▻ Artist Interview Sept. 28
News, CJOH Television, Ottawa, Canada ▻ Emissions: Sept. 23 & 26
CHCO Radio, Ottawa, Canada ▻ Gord Mitchell interview with artist Emission: Sept. 22
1998 Radio CENTRE-VILLE, Montreal, Canada ▻ Artist Interview Emission: May
1994 CKD (Radio), Halifax, Canada ▻ Artist Interview Emission: Sept.
1992 CKUT (Radio), Montreal, Canada ▻ Artist Inteview Emission: Dec.
1991 Being A Woman Artist, TV 11, Arts Council Windsor and Region, Canada ▻ Documentary film with Nadine Norman and other artists