lick my window !

Site Responsive Installation & Performance Series

The title Lèche ma vitre ! (Lick my window !), is a play on words based on the French expression lèche-vitrine (window shopping), which not only relates to consumerism but conjures up other sexual metaphors, i.e., lèche-cul (kiss-ass, sucking up, etc.), and further connotes submission to an authority.

Lick my window ! co-opts the museum facade windows with a selection of multi-coloured vinyl texts, universal slogans appropriated from corporate car marketing images associated with the sponsorship of the museums cultural events.

Performance Synopsis

Visitors are given suckers, and participants are offered protective uniforms while proceeding to clean the museum windows with specially designed squeegees that have a silicone appendage in the form of a large, languid cow’s tongue.

lèche ma vitre ! lick my window ! characteristics must be experienced as a whole and not seen in isolation les caractéristiques doivent être appréhendées de façon globale, et non isolée making people the centre of attention faire des gens la priorité making lives better for both existing and future generations une vie meilleure pour les générations présentes et futures always representing a personal style un style personnel toujours subtle design with clear integrity de conception subtile et intègre uniting form and function with quality in every detail unir forme fonction et qualité jusqu'au moindre détail designed for inspaniduals who refuse to follow the crowd conçu/e pour les anticonformistes combining performance pleasure and safety in a harmonious entity plaisir performance et sécurité en toute harmonie connectivity connectivité convenience commodité securité security what's important for you ? peace of mind time ce qui compte pour vous? temps tranquilité d'esprit

Out of Place


going NOWhere