going NOWhere

Wings of Desire

Lick My Rear Window !

D.I.Y. Fix It

Artist At Work

(Re) volution

The ball is in (y)OUR court

Flying Spirit Shroud I

Entre Acte

going NOWhere prance

Flying Spirit Shroud II

Fly me to the Moon

Bounce Back

Essential Embrace

Hold Up

All You Need is Love

r EVOL ution

Let Go

Passing Through...

Flying Spirit Shroud III

Performance Action Sonnet Video loop series
since 2020… ongoing
Culminating a novel series of performance actions via moving image; “going NOWhere” addresses presence, time, female agency and place in an intersecting narrative that unfolds through the titles play on words : going, nowhere, now, here, her…
Resorting to the infinite loop for both its boundless form and metaphoric cyclic parities, recurring scenes and leitmotifs tether between city scape, intimate home interior and planet earth.
Embodying ordinary actions to exemplify the existential human condition the artist evokes female personae (ie: fairy, phoenix) whose genus in one way or another seek solace, healing and interconnectedness.
Destined for multi-platform installations